Institute of the Black World

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Institute of the Black World

A research institute in black studies, located in Atlanta, the Institute of the Black World was originally a project of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. In 1969 the institute became an independent organization. Committed to scholarly engagement in social and political analysis and advocacy, the institute sought to foster racial equality as well as African-American self-determination and self-understanding. It placed particular emphasis on exploring the role of education in the African-American movement for social change. In the 1990s, under the leadership of historian Vincent Harding, the institute conducted research, trained scholars, organized conferences and lectures, and issued publications, as well as produced radio programs, a taped lecture series, and other audiovisual materials. It also encouraged black artists and developed teaching materials for black children. One of its projects was the Black Policy Studies Center. The institute was located in a house where W. E. B. Du Bois once lived.

See also Black Studies

daniel soyer (1996)

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Institute of the Black World

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